Maria Erikson

Uniarts Helsinki


Landless bodies

With this body of work, I am looking more closely at the surfaces of the materials I often use in my artistic practice. By introducing paper and gum arabic to forces such as wear and contact I am observing and acknowledging the shifts that occur during this interaction and in the duration of time. I identify these materials to be both fluid and ephemeral by nature.

I place damp handmade papers on spatial structures with the purpose of observing them changing their shape while they dry in the contact with air. I screen print with gum arabic on paper and place them in water to take notice in how the printed material is dissolving into the water.

Both engagement and contact are central in my work as I look at surfaces as fields for interaction or as sets of relationships rather than mediums for transfer. I often contemplate about these small alterations and seek to distinguish transformation within the process of making. With my installation Landless Bodies I wish to share my observations, emphasizing them as well as make them more noticeable to the eye.

I am holding a wet newly pulled sheet of paper in my hands                        Time present and time past
and watch it dry. It feels heavy and cold against my skin.                             Are both perhaps present in time future,
Slowly, I can see the shape of my hands appearing on the                           And time future contained in time past.
surface of the paper. It is as the paper becomes part of me.                         If all time is eternally present
 Like a second skin.                                                                                       All time is unredeemable.

(notes form personal working diary)  (T.S. Eliot)

Curriculum vitae

Read the CV of Maria Erikson


Print Matters

Oslo National Academy of Fine Arts

Publish or Perish!

Tokyo University of the Arts

In a State of Flux: What now? Where are we?

The University of the Arts Helsinki


University of Alberta

Graphica Creativa

Pohjoismaiden vanhin grafiikkanäyttely

The Graphica Creativa triennale has been held in Jyväskylä since 1975. From 1998 the organiser has been the Jyväskylä Art Museum. Graphica Creativa is the oldest international print exhibition in the Nordic countries and the only one regularly organised in Finland.

The Graphica Creativa 2019 Web Exhibition is produced by Jyväskylä Art Museum | Webdesign Harjula web & dev