Linda Ciesielski

Uniarts Helsinki


Ice/Land I

From the window of the boat, I had this vantage point: the ice was changing. In winter, between Helsinki and Tallinn, the Baltic was a sea of patterns, infinite in variety: taking on the form of Dutch polders, Euclidian triangles, a fractious river delta. Our understanding of how nature works is still unfolding, even as it rapidly changes.

Inland in Finland’s winter, water becomes ice, and ice (jää) becomes land (maa). This is true if you perceive it as so – ice as land – a belief based on experience, and trust. In reverse, land becomes water. This personally observed phenomenon is a shared global one. Our reference to experience is shifting like the ice, unsettling trust too. How can one remain open, curious and engaged in uncertainty? How can we build our understanding of the planet and humanity during times of change?

Curriculum vitae

Read the CV of Linda Ciesielski


Print Matters

Oslo National Academy of Fine Arts

Publish or Perish!

Tokyo University of the Arts

In a State of Flux: What now? Where are we?

The University of the Arts Helsinki


University of Alberta

Graphica Creativa

Pohjoismaiden vanhin grafiikkanäyttely

The Graphica Creativa triennale has been held in Jyväskylä since 1975. From 1998 the organiser has been the Jyväskylä Art Museum. Graphica Creativa is the oldest international print exhibition in the Nordic countries and the only one regularly organised in Finland.

The Graphica Creativa 2019 Web Exhibition is produced by Jyväskylä Art Museum | Webdesign Harjula web & dev