Sean Caulfield and Marilene Oliver
University of Alberta
Evolving Anatomies II
Silkscreen, carved maple plywood, laser cut plexiglass, digital projection
Silkscreen, carved maple plywood, laser cut plexiglass, digital projection
Print Matters
Oslo National Academy of Fine Arts
Publish or Perish!
Tokyo University of the Arts
In a State of Flux: What now? Where are we?
The University of the Arts Helsinki
University of Alberta
Graphica Creativa
Pohjoismaiden vanhin grafiikkanäyttely
The Graphica Creativa triennale has been held in Jyväskylä since 1975. From 1998 the organiser has been the Jyväskylä Art Museum. Graphica Creativa is the oldest international print exhibition in the Nordic countries and the only one regularly organised in Finland.The Graphica Creativa 2019 Web Exhibition is produced by Jyväskylä Art Museum | Webdesign Harjula web & dev